So its my birthday... today/tomorrow (16th) how great is that... right? im getting old!
Have nothing really to add except I've been trying to work on my game "Kings"... and that's when this friend of mine said i should use Classes for everything (OOP) that is, so ive started learning OOP and its so much different, so it greatly slowed down the game development process.
If anyone knows any good books or video tutorials please LINK :D
because i really want to learn OOP, i can see how awesome it is.
and other than all that... it so sad i cant get to thouse NG meets, last year i was in london till 18th when the meet was on 19th(i think) and neither this year :c ah well hopefully they do it next year, i can sure do that.
and well hope everyone is fine and having a good day.
good luck!