Pirates vs Ninjas? That's going to be quite the epic game.
Always looking forward to your stuff, man.
Practical tools and new discoveries usually come out of useless impractical explorations.
Age 36, Male
Game Dev
London UK
Joined on 7/23/05
Pirates vs Ninjas? That's going to be quite the epic game.
Always looking forward to your stuff, man.
nah man dont get your hopes high, the game sucks thanks to my game designer... :(
"the game sucks thanks to my game designer"!? Thats a pretty mean thing to say. Just tell him "D00D!!!1 GET HELLA BETTORZ OR ELSE OUR GAMED AINT GONNA GO ON TEH NG FRONTPAGE. D0 U KNOEZED HOW PICKY TEY ARZED!!!?!?!!?!?!?!!?
good luck :)
because the Game Designer is an ass and he wants the game to be done his way... not much i can do about it, so the game turns bad
Release the game already, you bum! :C
Also, screenshots look pretty cool.
ahah its not even released on FreeOnlineGames.com yet
Patience .........
what is this proxy you speak of?
oh iiits a secret....
the guy who gave it to me said he'll kill me if i tell anyone.....shhh...
sweet, I can't wait, I'm always fiving your vgames even w/ fairness. I hope this game is just as good as black sails *which i fived tenned and faved*
-your long lasting fan,
btw: if you ever need game ideas pm me, i can always picture new games in my head but can never make them.
aww man Many Thanks :D
Annnd yes i do need game ideas, right now im working on a Game Inspired from Age of War.... so you can shoot your ideas into it
is it out KNOW!?
on 25th : D
mmm looking good, can't way to play it.
Alright age of wars, you need a tech tree, money system, over 20 types of enemies and units so it doesn't get bland. you also need cheats like invincability and 100grand (cuz I don't like losing) I like starcraft like games so yeah...SWEET!
uhh yeah! The tech tree is a good idea, and CHEATS :D duuuhh ofcourse
ahaha thanks mate
March 25th, no game yet! D:
aw man i know i know... this is gonna have to wait :( meh
awh no! can we get an expected release date?
alright im giving up hope
man sorry, i dont think my boss likes it THAT much....
jsut wanted ya to know im still here
Lithuania eh? Hows....How's that working out?
Are u bulgarian
Cool man that looks good sorry about your Game Designer wish you had a better Game Designer then the game would be done anyways cool work
I love your games man. My favorite on this site.
Cant wait for ninja rampage 2
haha thanks very much man, annnndd ninja rampage 2 mighhhtt take a while