You should try to make games more frequently next year. :C
Practical tools and new discoveries usually come out of useless impractical explorations.
Age 36, Male
Game Dev
London UK
Joined on 7/23/05
You should try to make games more frequently next year. :C
i will really try doing that c:
2008 was really a learning year, now im ready to take on the challanges :D
You forgot var.
Now your compiler will OMGSPLODE.
haha i thought about that!! but putting var at the beginning would make no sense to the non programmers
Hmm . . . what have I done? Written material for two books, about 400 poems, 180 dog articles (freelance), some long translations and a few thousand blogposts. Learned to drive. Taken three webdesign courses at two seperate universities. Reached 10k reviews/posts here at NG as well as Supreme Commander (highest BP rank). Made websites for three new clients and rebuilt the two I webmaster for. Started five brand new websites, rebuilt five of my websites completely, abandoned two of them, and added a lot of both self and usercontributed material. Got in much better shape than last year, introduced myself to the routine of 3km walks each morning and jogging tours the same length every other day (not weekends) which I've manage to keep almost contstant. Had the longest summer vacation I've had in over 12 years (3 months+) in which I dug up a 10x3m patch for vegetables, partially cleared big fields of small shrubbery and smaller trees, picked fifty liters of cloudberries, blueberries and lingon (whatever that might be in English), chopped/sawed up next summers supply of wood, paddled, swum, surfed, had fun, took long voyages through the wilderness and learned a few neat tricks involving knifes, hands and swift throws through open air, painted two buildings, did a variety of other smaller tasks, watched an average of one movie every day (grew to a list with ratings and occasional reviews), etc. All in all it's been a very eventful year, I know the aboe doesn't list all my wisdoms gained or new foundries claimed, but it is to me the statistical achievements (with, numbers and stuff) that are easiest to remember, hehe. Hope 2009 will be just as eventful! Happy new Year! :)
man that's a LOT of stuff you did last year, im ah...speechless
Thanks for the help man, I owe you one.
its what i do :D *thumbsup*!
Life is over-rated. I plan to avoid it as long as possible.
perhaps it is kind of over-rated... but i dunno i just want a small piece of it c: